“RESCUE IN THE VALLEY” is a gripping historical drama that tells the remarkable story of the almost impossible rescue mission of an American Airlines commercial plane that crashed in the hills of Buga, Valle del Cauca, on December 20, 1995. This tragic event stands as one of the deadliest aviation disasters in world history and the worst air tragedy ever to occur in Colombia. What’s truly astonishing is that, out of the 159 passengers who tragically lost their lives, five miraculously survived the initial impact but found themselves stranded in the harsh, frigid conditions of the remote crash site—an area under guerrilla control at the time.
The unwavering response of rescuers and medical personnel from Valle del Cauca, who had to overcome countless obstacles to reach the crash site, ultimately succeeded in saving the lives of four of these survivors, who are still with us today. This film pays tribute to the accident’s victims, the survivors, and the brave rescuers who answered the call of duty on that somber Christmas night in 1995.
The filming was conducted in stunning 4K quality at various locations around Bogotá, with a special focus on the Chicaque Natural Park in the southern part of the capital. It involved a massive logistical production effort, supported by Canal Caracol, with over 70 individuals on location simultaneously, including actors, extras, and production staff. The International Red Cross, the Colombian Civil Defense, and the Soacha Fire Department contributed by providing extras and offering guidance and security on set.
Country: Colombia.
Coproduction: DGP, ÁGORA, BIOMANOS ©2023