After an accident, Colombian cyclist Ever Torres wakes up with no memory and speaking French. In his hometown, he meets Véronique, a French journalist who helps him rebuild his life. During this process, he discovers he has a 10-year-old daughter, Silvana, who sees him as a hero. Ever decides to leave his past behind and start fresh. Véronique returns to France and, years later, publishes a successful book, The Eternal Second. In it, she recounts how the life of Raymond Poulidor, the famous French cyclist, inspired her work. It’s not always crucial to be first or win awards; the most important thing is to be the first to get up after a fall and leave the past behind in order to move forward.
Genre: Feature Film
Running time: 85 minutes
Language: Spanish and French
Country of production: Colombia/France
Shooting year: 2025
Estimated release: 2026
Phase: pre-production